
Week One Completed

Alright, here goes.  I am going to try my best to stay motivated enough to write a decent post about my first week in San Antonio.  I apologize in advance if I begin to skimp with the details, but my mental state has been slowly deteriorating over the last few days due to my lack of human interaction.

I have officially been in Texas for one week now – I won’t count my arrival last Saturday because I didn’t get into town until after ten at night.  I made the drive from Colorado Springs to San Antonio in one shot.  I made two stops throughout the course of the fourteen hour trip for gas and to use the bathroom.  I left Colorado Springs around eight in the morning and made my first stop in Clayton, New Mexico.  Clayton was a smelly and ugly place so I was quick to get back into my car to drive.  My car was packed with only a few things really; most of the stuff would just be put into the moving truck after our house is closed on.  I made a makeshift clothes bar from some leftover PVC pipe in the garage and hung all of my clothes on it.  Everything else was just packed into a medium sized luggage and my backpack.  For the drive I had packed some sandwiches, a bag of animal crackers, and two bottles of Gatorade.  I also brought a couple of apples and bananas (I like to eat, eat, eat, eeples and baneenees) so I would feel like I was eating healthy. Continue Reading »